Introduction to Ethical Theories: A Procedural Approach by Douglas  Birsch
279 pages, $38.95 list
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Introduction to Ethical Theories
A Procedural Approach
Second Edition
In this accessible and instructive work, Birsch introduces the main ethical theories in Western philosophy using a procedural approach that enables readers to make justified ethical evaluations of cases and issues. This novel treatment provides a well-rounded overview of each theoretical approach and attempts to refute the widely held opinion that there are no justified or correct solutions to moral problems.

Outstanding features:
• Introduces each ethical theory with a discussion of its philosophical starting point
• Explains the reasoning and conclusions crucial to each theoretical approach
• Discusses each ethical theory’s view of moral significance and moral equality
• Develops an ethical procedure based on an ethical theory’s moral rules and principles then applies the procedure to relevant cases, resulting in justified or correct moral solutions for that particular ethical theory
• Presents the strengths and weaknesses of each ethical theory
• Provides a discussion of the United Nations human rights morality and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
• Includes review questions and additional assignments for further exploration and application of ethical theories
"The text is clear and appropriate for beginning philosophy students. I most enjoy how Birsch explains major ethical theories, how they work, and possible critiques.” — Ronald Warren, University of Michigan, Flint

“Birsch’s text is an excellent introduction to ethical theory, especially suited for lower-division and non-prerequisite courses. It covers concisely but accurately relativism, emotivism, egoism, utilitarianism, Kantianism, natural rights ethics, Aristotelian virtue ethics, feminist ethics, and the UN human rights morality. Each chapter has a nice set of review questions at the end. This is a fine text.” — Gary Jason, California State University, Fullerton
Table of Contents
1. Beginning to Think about Ethics
2. Ethical Relativism
3. Ethical Egoism
4. Utilitarianism
5. Immanuel Kant's Ethical Theory
6. Moral Rights Ethical Theory
7. The United Nations Human Rights Morality
8. Aristotle's Ethical Theory
9. Emotivism
10. Feminine and Feminist Ethics

Appendix 1: Cases Used in the Text
Appendix 2: Universal Declaration of Human Rights